After two weeks of not having Internet service at home because of some stupid cable and a storm, I'm back and have 2 beautiful things to tell you...
1- It turns out that I'm pregnant!! It's confirmed now, so I can yell it to the world... -I'm feeling kinda like Leonardo Di Caprio at Titanic in the "I'm the king of the world" scene. I still can't believe it and Leo either, but we're super happy about it! Now I'm all vomit and mood swings, but I guess it's just the first few months...
2- I've won a Liebster Blog award! Yay!! My adorable Just Keepin' It Real Folks blogging pal thought I deserved a Liebster Blog Award.... I'm soo happy!! I can't believe it! You've made my day =)

So, now, the Rules:
1. Link back to the person who gave you the award.
Just Keepin' It Real Folks is a blog written by an awesome and super funny lady whose name I don't know, but who makes my day just by reading her posts. She's incredibly hilarious and most of the times we share our opinions on different subjects. Her Wacky Wednesdays posts are the best! So, check it out! I really want to thank her because it's the first time ever I win anything and it's even more special considering that I won it by doing something I really enjoy, that is writing. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm really glad you like it! =)
2. Pick 5 deserving people and notify them on their blogs.
1.Good Youngman Brown. His posts are just awesome! He shares anecdotes and thoughts about the randomest things you could think about and you can get easily related to what he says. He really makes me laugh, so I strongly recommend his blog!
2. Crack You Whip is written by the adorable Tracie. She combines her sharp sense of humour with super funny drawings and creates very interesting posts sharing stories about her life or her thoughts. She's awesome! Besides, her comments are always very sweet!
3. The Transformed Non Conformist is a blog written by my fellow teacher Brett Minor. He shares anecdotes about his childhood, his children, college, etc. He was the first person who commented on my blog and who encouraged me to keep working on it. You rock, Brett!
4. The Filter is Off. This is a beautiful blog written by Karen. She's one of the strongest woman I've ever heard of. She's the devoted mother of a beautiful angel, Olivia, and shares all her thoughts without any filter. I was very touched when I read her blog for the first time, she's someone to admire, definitely.
5. Buttons are not currency If we talk about being a bit quirky and having a dark sense of humour, you can't miss Nellie Vaughn's blog. Her posts are the coolest ever! Check on it!

Thank you so much. I appreciate the kind words. I still love your blog and keep it up.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the baby.
Congrats on the baby, that is so awesome!
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks very much for the award and the nice things you had to say about my blog. People like you make me want to keep writing :)
Thanks, to both of you!
ReplyDeleteAnd Mr. Brown, you should definitely keep on writing! You cracked me up with the eyebrows post =)
Congratulations and best wishes on your pregnancy. That is awesome!!!! You so deserved the Liebster award. I'm glad your computer is fixed so you will be posting again. Thanks also for the kind words about my blog. Oh yeah and my real name is Deb.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the baby! Thanks for the follow, looking forward to reading more from you!
Congrats on the baby! That is so wonderful!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the award and the nice things you said about me. That means a lot to me:)
Thank you so much for the award and the promo! It's like a trailer before a movie. I am also sending my congratulations to you and your love. Babies are wonderful. I shall pick my 5 when I have finished this damn paperwork and am fully awake, possibly tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteAw! I've been wondering about the baby verdict! Congrats to you!!
ReplyDeleteThank you all so much for all your lovely comments and the congratulations on the baby! Leo and I really appreciate it =)